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Letters to Congress

June 15, 2015

NASAA Letter to House Financial Services Committee Chairman and Ranking Member Regarding the June 16, 2015 HFSC Subcommittee on Capital Markets Hearing

May 5, 2015

NASAA Letter to Sen. Manchin (D-WV) and Sen. Vitter (R-LA) Regarding the Small Business Mergers, Acquisitions, Sales, and Brokerage Simplification Act of 2015 (S. 1010)

February 27, 2015

NASAA Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman and Ranking Member Regarding the Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of 2015 (S. 356)

February 27, 2015

NASAA Letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman and Ranking Member Regarding the Email Privacy Act (H.R. 699)

February 26, 2015

NASAA Letter to Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) regarding H.R. 1098, the Investor Choice Act of 2015

September 8, 2014

NASAA Letter regarding S. 1923, Small Business Mergers, Acquisitions, Sales, and Brokerage Simplification Act

July 31, 2014

NASAA Letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman and Ranking Member Regarding the Email Privacy Act (H.R. 1852)

July 31, 2014

NASAA Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman and Ranking Member Regarding the Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of 2013 (S. 607)

May 6, 2014

NASAA Letter to House Financial Services Committee Chairman and Ranking Member regarding legislation to be considered by the House Financial Services Committee on May 7, 2014

December 4, 2013

NASAA Letter to House Speaker and Minority Leader Regarding the Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105)

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