This exam content outline is designed to provide an overview of the exam’s general content and format.
The Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination and the available study outline were developed by NASAA. The examination, called the Series 65 exam, is designed to qualify candidates as investment adviser representatives. The exam covers topics that have been determined to be necessary to understand in order to provide investment advice to clients.
The Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination consists of 130 questions plus 10 pretest questions covering the materials outlined in the following study outline. Applicants are allowed 180 minutes to complete the examination. At least 92 of the questions must be answered correctly for an individual to pass the Series 65 exam.
The examination is conducted as a closed book test. Upon completion of the examination, the score for each section and the overall test score will immediately be made available to the candidate.
The examination is administered by FINRA. To schedule a candidate for the examination, an individual’s firm should file an electronic Form U4 or the individual should open an enrollment window via FINRA.org and pay the $187 examination fee to FINRA. Please visit FINRA’s “Enroll for a Series Exam” page to register for a state licensing exam.
Once registered, FINRA will open a 120-day window within which an individual may schedule the exam. More information on sites to take the exams can be found on the FINRA website. The questions in the examination, the examination study outline, and the method by which the examination is administered have been designed by Chauncey Group International for NASAA and approved by NASAA and the Competency Exam Project Group. In addition, each examination question is statistically analyzed to ensure reliability.
Any attempt to compromise the examination may serve to destroy its validity and usefulness. Therefore, NASAA intends to bring appropriate action against persons who attempt to compromise the examination in whole or in part. In addition, such conduct may subject a candidate to further action by state administrators.
Successful completion of the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination does not relieve a candidate of the personal responsibility to know and to abide by the specific requirements of the securities laws and regulations of the states in which the candidate transacts business. Furthermore, although successful completion of the examination may satisfy a portion of the requirements of a particular state, it does not convey the right to transact business prior to being granted a license or registration by that state.
NASAA believes that the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination will significantly benefit the industry and state regulators alike by such uniformity. The investing public will be afforded a greater degree of protection through enhanced uniform qualification standards.