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Current Headlines

January 9, 2000

Wall Street crime should earn prison time, says top state regulator

Law enforcement summit planned to boost number of criminal cases WASHINGTON (January 9, 2000) – White-collar criminals who commit securities fraud deserve prison time just like thieves, muggers and murderers, a leading securities regulator said today. “Someone steals your car, they go to prison. A con artist steals the money your parents need for retirement, […]
January 4, 2000

High on Technology Stocks? The Antidote: Diversification

A Portfolio, Patience Important for Investors of All Ages, Says Top State Regulator WASHINGTON (January 4, 2000) – Noting the recent euphoria over technology stocks, a leading securities regulator today urged investors of all ages not to forget the time-tested strategy of diversification and patience. “With Nasdaq up 85% last year and technology such a […]
December 27, 1999

New Investment Advisers Must Take “Competency Exam” Starting Jan. 1

Series 65 Revamped to Test Economics, Investment Vehicles, ethics WASHINGTON (December 27, 1999) — Starting January 1, new investment advisers will have to take a “competency exam” to show that they know what they’re talking about. New advisers will have to take a 130-question state exam that tests their knowledge of economics, investment vehicles, investment […]
December 16, 1999

Despite crackdown, small-stock fraud remains serious problem

State securities cops warn of Internet hype, high-pressure cold-callers WASHINGTON (December 16, 1999) – Despite a crackdown in recent years by state, industry and federal securities regulators, small-stock fraud remains a serious problem, costing investors many millions of dollars each year. The bull market on Wall Street shouldn’t lull investors into letting their guard down, […]
December 15, 1999

NASAA Statement on Selective Disclosure Issue

(December 15, 1999) – The following is a statement by NASAA President  and Indiana Securities Commissioner Bradley W. Skolnik: In the age of the Internet and 24-hour financial news, there’s no reason for an uneven information playing field on Wall Street. Why shouldn’t investors on Main Street have access to the same information as the pros […]
December 10, 1999

NASAA Supports Proposed Day Trading Margin Rule Changes by NYSE, NASD

(December 10, 1999) – Bradley K. Skolnik, President of the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) & Indiana Securities Commissioner, released the following statement in response to the proposed rule changes by the NYSE and the NASD that would raise margin requirements for day traders: “NASAA supports higher margin requirements for day traders. Day trading […]
November 26, 1999

Investors Urged to Discount Online Brokerage Advertising

State securities regulators warn of hidden costs, delayed executions, dangers of trading too much WASHINGTON (November 26, 1999) – With online brokerage firms poised to spend a reported $1 billion on advertising in the coming year, state securities regulators today warned investors to look beyond the hype and beware of hidden costs, delayed executions and […]
November 23, 1999

NASAA Statements on Reports on Online Brokerage by the SEC and New York Attorney General

NASAA Praises SEC Commissioner Laura Unger`s Online Brokerage Report (November 23, 1999) – The following is a statement by NASAA President Bradley Skolnik, Indiana`s Securities Commissioner: Commissioner Laura Unger deserves praise for taking a reasoned and reasonable approach to the many issues raised by online brokerage and for doing her homework by consulting with a wide […]
November 19, 1999

Investors Warned About “Y2K: The Scam”

WASHINGTON (November 19, 1999) – On the eve of a made-for-TV disaster movie about the Year 2000 computer bug, state securities regulators warned investors not to fall victim to “Y2K: The Scam.” State securities cops warned that con artists are trying to exploit fear of the Y2K problem by touting risky or bogus investments. State […]
October 25, 1999

Do online investors need regulatory safety net?

Panel to discuss “suitability rule,” other Internet brokerage issues WASHINGTON (October 25, 1999) – Do online investors need the same regulatory safety net as investors who place orders with their stock brokers over the telephone? That will be the question discussed and debated at a roundtable of regulators, industry executives, policy makers and consumer advocates […]

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