• Ohio is a merit jurisdiction.
  • Ohio accepts the Uniform Application to Register Securities (Form U1), and allows for electronic signature of forms.
  • Registration requires filing or delivery of:
    • Filing fee
    • Application form
    • A Consent to Service of Process (Form U2)
    • SEC Form 1-A with exhibits
    • The Division of Securities retains the authority to request additional information
  • Ohio’s fees have a fixed plus variable component.  The filer must pay a minimum of $200 and a maximum of $1,100.  All filers must pay an initial fee of $100 pursuant to 1707.091(B)(5) plus a mininum of $100 but no greater than $1,000 fee based on the offering amount sought in Ohio (fee equaling 1/10th of 1%).
  • Fees should be made payable to “Ohio Treasurer of State.” Payments should be sent to the following address:
Mailing Address:  Courier Address:
77 South High Street, 22nd Floor
Columbus, OH  43215-6131
77 South High Street, 22nd Floor
Columbus, OH  43215-6131

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