New Handbook Available for Potential IAR CE Course Content Providers

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 11, 2021) – The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) today announced the availability of a handbook to help potential content providers prepare to meet the requirements for investment adviser representative continuing education (IAR CE) programs.

In November 2020, NASAA announced that its membership had voted to adopt a model rule to set parameters by which NASAA members could implement continuing education programs for investment adviser representatives in their jurisdictions. The model rule has a products and practices component and an ethics component and is intended to be compatible with other continuing education programs.

“The focus of the new continuing education program is to promote regulatory compliance while also helping investment adviser representatives better serve their clients by remaining knowledgeable of current regulatory requirements and best practices,” said Lisa A. Hopkins, NASAA President and West Virginia Senior Deputy Securities Commissioner.

The IAR CE Program Handbook was developed by NASAA’s Investment Adviser Representative Continuing Education Committee and Prometric, a global leader in test development, testing delivery, and candidate services. Prometric serves as the course management vendor for the IAR CE program.

During the first four months of 2021, Prometric and NASAA worked to standardize the criteria under which potential IAR CE content providers, instructors and individual CE courses will be approved. The CE program criteria, requirements and application material can be found in the handbook.

“We are pleased to provide this handbook to help potential providers better understand and meet the requirements for acceptable IAR CE course material,” Linda Cena, chair of NASAA’s IAR CE Committee and Examination and Licensing Manager for the Michigan Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau.

The new handbook is available in the Industry Resources area of the NASAA website ( under Investment Advisers. To view a copy, click here. For more information about the IAR CE program, please visit the IAR Continuing Education FAQ. If you have additional questions or feedback, please contact Natasha Hurt at


For More Information:

Bob Webster | Senior Director of Communications

Jeanne Hamrick | Director of Communications

Noelle Lane | Communications & Outreach Specialist


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